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Justice for Sonya Massey: Using Your Podcast as a Platform for Protest

Podcast for protest to support Sonya Massey

The Tragic Story of Sonya Massey

On July 6, 2024, Sonya Massey called 911 for help, fearing an intruder was in her home. Instead of receiving protection, she was tragically gunned down by Deputy Sean Grayson, who has since been charged with first-degree murder. This devastating event has not received the widespread attention it deserves, leaving many asking why there isn't more public outrage and media coverage.

Afros and Audio: Amplifying Voices, Demanding Justice

At Afros and Audio, we believe in the power of storytelling and the unique platform podcasts provide to amplify underrepresented voices. In times like these, we must use our podcasts for protest to demand justice and bring awareness to issues affecting our communities.

How to Use Your Podcast for Protest

  1. Tell Sonya's Story: Dedicate an episode to Sonya Massey's story. Highlight the events that led to her tragic death, the charges against Deputy Grayson, and the need for justice. Personalize her story to make it resonate with your audience.

  2. Invite Experts and Activists: Bring in guests who can provide insights into the broader issues of police violence and systemic racism. This could include civil rights attorneys, activists, and community leaders actively working toward justice and reform.

  3. Create a Call to Action: Use your platform to mobilize your listeners. Encourage them to take part in peaceful protests, contact their local and state officials, and support initiatives that address police violence and systemic racism. Provide clear and actionable steps that your audience can take.

  4. Promote Solidarity and Support: Highlight ways to support Sonya Massey's family, such as verified GoFundMe pages or local fundraisers. Encourage your listeners to support Black-owned businesses and community organizations that are working towards change.

  5. Ongoing Coverage: Keep Sonya's story alive by providing updates on the case and ongoing efforts for justice. Make it a recurring segment in your podcast to remind your audience that the fight for justice is ongoing.

Podcast to support Sonya massey


Sonya Massey's tragic death is a stark reminder of the systemic issues we face. As podcasters and members of the Afros and Audio community, we have the power to make a difference. Let’s use our voices to demand justice, support each other, and create lasting change. Our love is the protest, and it's time the world feels it.


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